How Evolving Attacks Impact Security and What You Need to Know

With ransomware, as with most cybersecurity threats, prevention is better than cure. To achieve this, organizations need to invest in their data security by using various types of cybersecurity solutions, from endpoint protection to network monitoring tools, as well as well-defined identity and access controls that include multi-factor authentication and network segmentation. AI-based threat detection is becoming an increasingly popular line of defense against ransomware, alongside proactive threat hunting. Regular vulnerability assessments should be carried out, and a formal incident response plan should be formulated to help detect and fix breaches faster.

Another crucial aspect of prevention is training company staff in cyber-hygiene, as well as in identifying and avoiding phishing and social engineering attempts. Companies should also ensure all their software is up to date by applying the latest patches to fix vulnerabilities soon after they are identified. Additionally, data should be kept encrypted by organizations and regularly backed up, both in the cloud and offline.

Finally, if all the prevention measures fail and you fall victim to ransomware, you should contact law enforcement. Aside from this being mandatory for certain organizations, law enforcement may be able to obtain the decryption key or trace the attacker. It is advised not to pay the ransom, as there is no guarantee you will recover your data; it may still be exposed even after payment, and you would be funding criminals to continue their activities.

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